This Light Taco Casserole is your favorite Mexican dish made a little healthier! It comes together in less than 30 minutes and is perfect for a weeknight...
This Slow Cooker Chicken Breast recipe comes out perfectly juicy and seasoned every time! Learn my tips for getting the best crockpot chicken breast, perfect...
Slow cooker country style ribs are the perfect meal to make on a busy weeknight. They're so easy and delicious that you'll never want takeout again! And...
This awesome homemade Chili Seasoning mix comes in super handy for making anything from chilis, tacos and even roasted vegetables. Skip the store-bought...
This is my version of the classic Mexican turkey mole. It's not strictly speaking a mole poblano, but it's similar. I simmer the turkey in the finished...
A quick and easy 30 minute meal that is packed with amazing honey dijon garlic flavor! The chicken is so juicy and tender and the sauce is sweet and tangy......
This CLASSIC SLOW COOKER BEEF STEW recipe is an easy crockpot meal with juicy, tender pieces of beef slow-cooked and simmered in a delicious stew gravy...
Seasoned and stuffed chicken marsala is a delicious Olive Garden copycat dish featuring mozzarella, parmesan, and sun dried tomatoes, smothered in savory...
This classic Tuna Casserole recipe with noodles is the perfect balance of delicious tuna, veggies, and tender egg noodles cooked to perfection in a cheesy...
Crock-Pot Pulled Beef Pot Roast Sandwiches are one of my all-time favorite dump-and-go summer meals. After searing the beef and onions on the stove-top,...
If you like pineapple, add a ray of sunshine to your week with a cheeky Hawaiian pizza. It's easy to make your own pizza dough - though you'll need to...
Pierogi are idiosyncratic dumplings. You can fill them with pretty much whatever you want, make them as large or small as you want, alter the dough and...
Crack Chicken Pasta - chicken and bacon tossed in a quick homemade cheesy ranch sauce! Ready to eat in under 15 minutes. Such an easy weeknight meal!!...
Instant Pot Mexican Casserole. A healthy Instant Pot Mexican recipe with rice, chicken, beans, spices, and fresh veggies. Easy and absolutely delicious!...
In this complexly flavored and highly sophisticated dish from the cookbook author Louisa Shafia, tamarind, caramelized onion, ground almonds and barberries...